Friday, March 11, 2011

It IS a pet. It counts.

Sister can't have pets at her apartment. I find this to be sad news. So I made her some pet rocks to fill that void in her life. Originally I was just going to stick googly eyes on a rock. But, well, they sort of... evolved. They're classy like that.

Meet Earnest and Earnestina.
They enjoy sipping brandy, a good polo match and visiting art galleries to have pretentious conversations about the paintings. They're fancy.

And by Tuesday, I mean Friday. Because that's how my week has been. 


madison kate said...

hehe! they're uber adorable.

Tara said...

Oh my gosh Brit, these are so stinking hilarious!! You crack me up! This blog is the cutest blog I have ever seen.. You must be an artist :) LOve it!